Thursday, May 11, 2006

All these years I've been spelling it wrong (*blush*)

According to Wikipedia: geosmin "which literally translates to "earth smell", is an organic compound with a distinct earthy flavour and aroma, and is responsible for the earthy taste of beets. The human nose is exquisitely sensitive to geosmin, able to detect it at concentrations down to 10 parts per trillion.
Geosmin is produced by several classes of microbes... ...and released when these microbes die."

I was told, when I worked for the water lab, that it was the grassy earthy smell from algae and other organic compounds and the reason we had carbon filters for the water....and that it was spelled geosomin, pronounced similarly to jasmine. I always liked the sound of it (but not so much the smell of it). But apparently I can't spell...


Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, anymore.


Boxing said...

It does not make a difference, Geosmin, or Geosomin, I did not know what it is anyway.

Magnus said...

For shaaaame, Geo! For shaaaaamme...


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