I had a lovely day yesterday hanging out with J, eating pizza and watching Frisky Dingo and laughing like a kid. Saturday I worked a full day, but then got to dress up in full indian sari and go to a vegetarian banquet and then meet friends for drinks after. It was nice to be able to spend some time with J. He's finally feeling a lot better from his cold so we could spend some time together and relax. We both needed a day of chilling to prepare for a week of insanity...we'll both be very busy this week.

From my initial cold symptoms I feel not too bad -bit tired and I'm enjoying the fact that currently I sound like Leonard Cohen. It's amusing... I'm going to roll with it and I *WILL* make it thru this week. I'll just do all I can do, make sure I get enough sleep and I am all set with lots of healthy lunches and pumpkin carrot muffins (so goood). I'm just going to do all I can every day and then sleep the sleep of the dead and get up and do it all over again. If I have to skip workouts for sleep and rest I will...I just need to survive it.
One day at a time. I can do it. :)
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