Current clothes: Pyjamas and fuzzy Gir slippers. Yes I'm being lazy...
Current mood: A bit moogy. I didn't feel well last night and I'm still not altogther well..headachy and such. I'm hoping my breakfast will change that.
Current music: Blumenkraft by Ott. I can't get enough of this Dub/electronic ambient album. A few years ago I heard Smoked Glass and Chrome from this album at Shambhala and it was quite literally stuck in my head for's still one of my top 10 favourite songs. The whole album is really nice...reminiscent of Orb, but more of a reggae and ambient feel. And the last track? Bliss... He has another album out recently. Once this damn strike is over I intend to order it.
Current annoyance: This damn strike. After 2 weeks out, either side of the bargaining table still hasn't met to talk, while we workers are freezing our butts off. The city seems to be forming sides and a local small business association recently told the University to stand it's ground against us greedy, selfish, unskilled and uneducated union workers. It's getting wierd. And honestly, all we butt freezers want is to end our time out on Mars and go back work. And I keep wanting to shout "I have 2 degrees dammit I'm not unskilled or uneducated!"...but it's pointless. People, unfortunately, will think what they want to and the propeganda robot wheels are spinning...
Current thing: Looking for new ways to keep warm. You have a different respect for the elements when you're out in them for 4 hour stretches. I'd like to invest in thermal insoles and those hot pocket things that give off heat when you snap them so I can have warm hands and toes.
Current desktop picture: Me and J in costume on a pirate ship
Current book: The Joy of Home Brewing Vol. 3. My brother and I just brewed up a batch of ale over the weekend and now I'm itching to make another batch from I'm reading up on things.
Current song in head: the song on the CD player - track 2 on Blumenkraft. It's like a reggae/dub song I'd listen to when I was on a starliner heading to the outer rim...and I know that sounds mad, but it's honestly what I thought of hte first time I heard it.
Current DVD in player: Empire Stikes Back. J and I have been grabbing sound clips from the 3 movies. Fun stuff. And I loves them so...
Current refreshment: Coffee with tonnes of cream and some sugar. Here's hoping it makes my headache go away.
Current worry: If this strike goes on any longer can I learn to eat snow? And how pathetic will christmas be...sigh.
Current thought: Oooh...the sun is coming up. Pretty. BRB. OK there. Now you can see it too.
Have a good day all. I'm off into the world. Hope it's a nice day.
Amazing how that sunset photo looks as it shimmies transparently up the page! Lovely.
Hope you feel better as the day wears on.
Sunrise photo I mean - sorry. Just in from walking the dog and the sun is sinking, so that's my excuse for using the wrong word...
I own series 1 Doctor who on DVD now...
I want pictures of Mars!
Also, what is the strike about? Is it because you are sympathetic to the Hollywood Writers Guild? (yes, I'm kidding).
But seriously what's it all about, Alfie?
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