Friday, February 24, 2006

M is for miserable

I'm downright miserable.
It's cold, I'm tired, I don't feel like doing anything and am feeling low...I actually think I have extra rung added to my ladder of moodiness today. I'm not going into any of the gory details. Suffice it to say that for many reasons, some of them self inflicted, I'd be crap to be around right now. The thing is, usually I'm pretty happy and cheerful. I like to cheer up other people and the things of life can generally roll off my back, or can at least be put in a cupboard to be taken out when I'm ready to have a go at them...but today I just can't do it. I'm bloody miserable. And unless I shake this I have a miserable weekend ahead of me.


Anonymous said...

Listen to something darker or more somber - that usually helps to pull me out of a funk.
I should complie a list of music to be agnry to, depressed to or to deal with unrequited love. All of it helps me to pull out of those states. You;d have to find your own - I like Isis and you like Theivery Corp. - and listen samples by clicking on lyrics. I reccomend listening the assorment of clips since they range from the heaviest (Hive Destruction) to ambient. (Carry - Live)

Geosomin said...

Thanks. Odd you should talk of'susually how I can tell I'm truly in a bad mood - no music.
I checked out Isis. The tracks I heard are good...I've never heard any Isis before...very moody - a bit of dark and heavy and ambient. I'll have to pick some up.
It helped...I think the lights are coming back on.
I think I'll put on some Theivery Corporation and see waht happens.

Thanks man. I owe you one.

Anonymous said...

Nae 'a probe-lem lass. If you are going for Isis I recommend picking up Panoptic, Oceanic or the Oceanic Remixes 2CD set. Pelican is also worth checking out, but not as ambient as Isis can get.

Anonymous said...

If you really want a pick-me-up downer, Isis is in Vancouver on April 1, if your mood lasts quite so long.

Besides, a trip to Vancouver would be just the thing to cheer you up. Grey clouds. Rain. Stunning scenery that you can't see because of the aforementioned clouds and rain....


Anonymous said...

Yeah!, you should all come down here. Come for Isis stay for me!


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