Sunday, November 09, 2008


It's finally snowing...lots of big fluffy flakes.
It's not so bad actually...considering it's been this long before it came, I can't complain.
I'm more excited that J's shoot was cancelled tonight so he has the evening off!
Pizza and movies and me...oh my!
Oh, and yesterday I made the best pancakes ever.
Make'll see...Check my food blog for the recipe.
I also made up a feta spinach stuffed chicken breast with oven roasted balsamic veggies for supper. It also was droolingly good...if I can remember how I made it I'll definitely do it again :) Yesterday was truly the day of deliciousness...

Gotta go...I'm off to the pet store to see what weird things I can find to get my cat to stop scratching the couch.


the Bag Lady said...

I know how to make your cat stop scratching the couch, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it..... :)

Actually, I have no idea what worked - my cat no longer scratches the couch. I used a couple of methods, but the easiest is a spray bottle with water in it. Make sure you shake it a little before you spray him, then eventually all you need to do is shake it!

Rimshot said...

A great big hungry snake?

Geosomin said...

Har de har...

The little critter does it at night when we're asleep as he knows we'll hose him down if we catch him. He's too smart.
My brother gave me a couch and it's actually nice...I'd like to keep it from being destroyed for at least a little while.
I think I found something to distract him...we'll see...

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