Another day, another cookie...
This morning I sincerely smiled at a stranger and he blinked, looked a bit taken back and then his eyes lit up and he smiled. His whole face lit up. I tried it again at the bus stop...and another smile.
Geo was curious.
I am going to do a smile survey today...anyone I do not know, I will look at them straight in the eye and smile sincerely and see how many people smile back VS look away or frown. Granted I don't work around a lot of people, so I don't know how many people I'll be able to inflict smiles upon, but I figure it can only be a good thing...the nerd in me may even make up graphs of results...I'll keep you posted.
Bah. Smile at guys, they just think you're coming onto them, of course they'll smile back....
And, if you decide you are going to smile at everyone, can that really be deemed a "sincere" smile? What is a sincere smile anyway?
Great idea! Let us know how it goes....people don't tend to take the time to smile at each other in my area. Too bad.
Trent you're so cynical. You know I smile at everyone...:)
If I smile because I'm happy, it is sincere in my books.
I do a similar thing here. No one in the big city says "hello" as they pass on the street. So I stare people down, hopefully in a friendly way, and "force" them to at least hear my hello as I make eye contact and acknowledge their existence.
Certainly I will be shoot one of these days by some frightened granny.
you obviously do not work in London...
Yay, potential charts and graphs! I can't wait!
And just so you're keeping accurate count, simply reading your post made me smile (a rare occurance in Rimshot-Face Town)
Smile at people in Vancouver and you are likely to get committed - keep doing it! Keep Saskatoon from sliding into that icy abyss.
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