Why am I so cynical?
Well, the painters of the room before me did a shit job of patching, filling holes or even trying to remove tape or other stuff from the walls...the perfectionist in me is cringing at it all. There's (mercifully) only 10 nail holes to fill, but I'm not trying very hard...there are a zillion *under* the paint glossed over and lumpy...and whoever put the window in was a twit. Honestly. A monkey with a hangover could have done smoother mudding and sanding. I take pride in my renos...having to settle is pissing me off. But it's just not worth the pain int he assness of it all to make it more perfect. I'm kiddingmyself if I don'tadmit that I will likely try and fix a few of the holes tomorrow when we pick up a bit of polyfilla with the paint, but it would take a bucket of filler and more time than I care to spend to fix it to my standards...
Oh well...The room is clean, and the holes *I* can fill are filled...I've tried to sand the worst of it, and tomorrow I'll begin the priming.
Oh the priming...have a gander at what I have to paint over.
Go on...feast your eyes.
Eez bright...no?
Of course I'm going for bright lime green with white trim, so the wall should be OK...it's the trim that will be a bit of work.
I'm taking bets as to how many coats of primer...I say 2. Anyone else care to guess??
On the bright side (and on a totally other topic - since I have the camera out)...the cats seem to like their early christmas gift. A place for them to relax...and scratch instead of the furniture.
So far so good...
good luck
Gosh, I don't see why you would want to cover all that trim........
Actually, it looks like a lot of work, but make the first coat of primer reasonably thick, and you should only need two......
Good luck!
I bet you find they've painted over the corpses of one of their victims as well. Don't publicise it, or you'll be next. Just paint over it again...
yeah Kitty Kristmas.
there is this type of paint that my husband uses in his work, called YOLO, its free of the wee nasties (VOC's) and its thick. primer? who needs it! two coats will cover ANYTHING! its quite noice!
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