Hi , I've read a few things on this site and I really do think that it has helped tremendously. There's still a heap I need to learn thus can continue learning and can keep coming back. Thanks. If your laboratory needs precision pipettes, there are certain things in a company you should look for. Many scientific supply companies can sell you Pipette, of nearly every kind, whether brand name or generic, but what is it exactly that your laboratory needs? Can you settle for the generic brands, or does accuracy and reliability head your motivation to purchase?
Hey Geosomin, I just got one of these myself! Recently an ebioscience rep came by to talk with us about an order and just handed out a couple shirts to us (only downside is she didn't bringa woman's size). As a HUGE guitar hero fan I almost died when I saw the shirt. I also think there's a way to order them if you contact someone from the site. Even though it says on the site you need to spend $1000, I've found with eBiosci they're VERY willing to work with you and give you really good deals if you order from them even occasionally and have the time to talk with a rep.
Vary nice blog.
Variable volume adjustable hand pipetters are very useful in any laboratory where multiple volumes are needed.
They can be classified into several categories depending on their functions.
Hi , I've read a few things on this site and I really do think that it has helped tremendously. There's still a heap I need to learn thus can continue learning and can keep coming back. Thanks.
If your laboratory needs precision pipettes, there are certain things in a company you should look for. Many scientific supply companies can sell you Pipette, of nearly every kind, whether brand name or generic, but what is it exactly that your laboratory needs? Can you settle for the generic brands, or does accuracy and reliability head your motivation to purchase?
Hey Geosomin, I just got one of these myself! Recently an ebioscience rep came by to talk with us about an order and just handed out a couple shirts to us (only downside is she didn't bringa woman's size). As a HUGE guitar hero fan I almost died when I saw the shirt. I also think there's a way to order them if you contact someone from the site. Even though it says on the site you need to spend $1000, I've found with eBiosci they're VERY willing to work with you and give you really good deals if you order from them even occasionally and have the time to talk with a rep.
also the shirt is blue, you can't tell from the pic there but it looks awesome.
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