Weeeeeeeeeell, thanks to all who came out to our little fire.
We had a great time preparing and making lanterns, carving pumpkins and snacks the day before, and hiking out into the woods with good friends and relaxing and talking by the fire.

I learned a few things saturday night:
-lanterns made of cardboard may start on fire (go figure...)
-people can get lost going to and from a fire in the woods in the dark when they've never been thre before- perhaps I need glow sticks to mark the path next time (or I just need how to draw a map better).
-You can successfully roast a marshmallow, make a cup out of it and then drink Heather Cream out of it. It is useful though to NOT poke the stick through the marshmallow when cooking and make a marshmallow funnel - you can't drink out of that (ahem...Curtis)
-The woods are beautiful by firelight and lantern light.
-My husband is a jedi

-Do not put a thermos open and upside down in your car...or you'll run out of hot chocolate before you get to the fire (my car smells chocoriffic though)
-If you rotate who is first and last in the line while hiking in a group in the woods in the dark, the crazy man won't pick you off one by one...too many distractions
-If you invite him, Yoda will bring marshmallows to a party

And most of all...we have some great friends.
Thanks to all who came and shared our fire. We had a great time - hope you did too.
I'm very glad you all had a good time and I wish I could have been there. My stupid dog had some teeth out on Friday and now she's drinking extra water to soothe her gum holes resulting in extra trips outside. Suffice to say I'm not getting any sleep and have come down with a bit of the flu. You don't know how much I wanted to eat those delicious firey treats.
Sorry you couldn't come Chris - we missed you. I'll have to bring by some treats for you this week. Hope you're feeling better.
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