Cuz I'm baking up a storm and busy busy, here is a brief overview of my hectic week in pictures:
The best beer in the world. No there is no need. Strawbeery fields reigns supreme - a light fruity taste in a mild wheaty ale. Not too sweet, and thirst quenching...pity there's only a little. Here's the test photos...

And the geek was absolute cuteness as he slept. Can't not post a gratuitous cat photo of sleepy cuteness...

And we're not to bad either...we clean up nice for weddings and family gatherings...

Later taters.
Off to monkey dance :)
Damn, that beer looks good!!
Awful lot of cuteness going on in this post! Cute cat, cute couple!
You two really do clean up pretty good! (gosh, could I use anymore exclamation points?!!!!!!!!!)
man, you're pretty! And I'm glad the beer turned out yummilicious.
I am quite certain that your cat is monkey dancing through his dreams in that photo.
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