Well, after having the car towed to an outdoor garage (it is illegal to tow to a heated one apparently) and letting it sit an hour or so out of the wind, the wheels loosened up enough to spin of their own accord, so it could be driven to a mall with heated underground parking and a theater. Mucho thanks to my amazing friend who crawled form her cozy apartment on a day off to drive me to the mall to meet J there and then even hung out with our cranky asses for supper and a movie after (I am Legend is a good film BTW - check it out. Will Smith is a scientist and everything...). With 4 hours in a warm garage, with a bit of poking and driving around the place, the snow packed in and around and inside our wheels finally melted off, so our wheels won't refreeze again.
That was truly weird. I've never known anyone else who has had their wheels freeze up ever. (and no...do *not* tell me about how ebrakes freeze up in the winter. Yes I *know*. About 5000 people asked me if that was the problem yesterday. it wasn't. (seriously Trent...don't or I *will* drive to Tumbler and whop your ass... :) )). Our wheels were so packed with snow from driving thru the alley after the blizzard to park it just all froze up in a big ice ball, what with it being colder than space outside and all. And I'd rather not do all that again...and I really didn't do much. Poor J spent most of his day waiting here or there...1 1/2 hours in Superstore waiting for the wheels to thaw a bit to get to a "real" heated garage...we just met him there later. He now knows how many paces it is to go across the back of Superstore, how many DVDs there are and many other useless things about it from his time there. He hates shopping to begin with, so he was really glad to get out of there and get to...well...another mall - but at least it was different one with other things to look at (and me). And he said it is amazing how many people walk around stores with their mouths open while looking at things...I'm going to watch for it when we get groceries next...
Today is a *bit* warmer...only -33 with less wind...so just over -40. I donned my snow gear and goggles and came in to work today. The car drove fine for J and I do actually have important meetings today, so I'm out in the frozen world. It truly is insane how it gets here each January.
Spring just can't come soon enough...
I have always thought (when I had a car) that it would be nice if it could stamp it's tires, like we do our feet to get the snow and slush off.
Glad your car is moving again.
Oh darn, now I'm going to have to look for shoppers with open mouths too. :-) Are we allowed to count people talking nineteen-to-the-dozen? I suppose not; they would go in a separate category of their own.
Glad to hear you are mobile again. The Bag Lady HAS seen that happen, so no, you are not alone!
Spring can't come soon enough for the Bag Lady, either. She hasn't even tried to get her truck running for a week. The Cowboy (bless his heart) plugged it in for her this morning when he left for work, just in case she needed to go anywhere.
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