Behold the Comfy couch...
And the table of feasting from our gathering last night.

There were cheeses and grapes and derbies and cookie and hummus and guacamole and...well lots of good food. It was one of those times when we could have had like 30 people and had no idea who'd show other than my friend Heather, so I put on my catering had and made yummy things. We also pulled out all the lights we had and did up the place. Very nice... and 6 people came so we were happy...it's always nice when people stop by. It was a nice mellow time...
More photos later. I've had an exhausting day of napping and eating snacky leftovers and I must go rest to recouperate.
Happy New Year everybody!
Note to Trent - notice the tripod use.
See? I can do it sometimes!
Happy New Year!
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