Well if there was any doubt, it's now confirmed - it's officially winter on the prairies.
Yesterday was the worst blizzard I have ever seen in...well...ever, really. All the highways in and out of the city (and most of the province actually) were closed because of a blizzard so bad you could not see anything. All businesses and schools shut down after lunch as we all tried to get home. I made it home by bus - it took 2 hours and a lot of streets and routes were closed because you couldn't see more than 10 feet ahead of you, even down town. Add to this the insane cold (~-38 C with the windchill) and it was an awful day. Jay's sister and husband live 10 minutes out of the city and they stayed at our place last night, as the blizzard didn't stop until the middle of the night and it just wasn't safe to drive. It was so bad the tow trucks and plows weren't working...so if you were stuck or in an accident you were at the mercy of the weather-and the weather was not feeling kind. I finally realized how bad the storm was when we were watching the news before supper and there were story of people who were found frozen in their car as they'd tried to go home and went off the road in the storm. This is the worst weather I can recall. I'm glad to say all my loved ones and friends were smart and took their time to get somewhere safe, even if they couldn't get home.
This morning the snow has finally stopped so the blowing snow is gone, but the wind is still strong and the windchill has the temperature at -42 C. The snowplows were out all night so the streets are starting to be cleared, but places like our neighborhood have a lot of drifting snow. I was out at 5:30 helping dig out our car so J could get to work. I'm not sure if he can get back to our parking spot for all the snow, so it could be interesting, as we need to park the car in somewhere where it can be plugged in or it won't start...but that is for later to worry about. To be safe today I put on all my ski gear - skipants, boots, jacket, goggles, ballaclava, toque, scarf and gloves for my 15 minute walk to the bus and was still a bit cold by the time the bus came, but I'll be safe in the temperatures if the bus is delayed getting home. I came in to do some experiments and it's odd to see the city limping along as usual despite the storm. If I didn't have research I had to to finish I'd stay home today. If ever there was a snow day it'd be now!
If you're curious you can read the CBC coverage about the storm here and here. It really is quite amazing.
It seems the winter for storms. I was watching the news last night and Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are all being plastered by crazy winter storms. Stanley Park looks devestated fromt the aerial photos I've seen. I think mother nature has to remind us every once in a while just who is boss...and that maybe we should look after her a bit better.
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Hallo from Australia,
Thankyou for the comment you left at secret Hill.
Oh my, I have always loved snow, but it seems you have the extreme version!
Here in Oz, we have had rain, which is unusual in the summer. Our temp. will be upto 40c by Sunday, so a day by the air con. for me then.
Take care in all that snow!
I am reminded about how many idiots share the same air as me. I heard so many people talking about "the blizzard" outside. It was snowing heavily, but it was no blizzard. The night before we had blizzard-like contions as the wind was strong and blowing the snow horizontally.
Every Christmas before I would go home to BC from Caronport, there would be a blizzard. It was cold enough to freeze my eyeballs if weren't wearing goggles - cold enough freeze the snot inside my nose and turn it a bluish colour after a short trip outside - cold enough for ice to collect on my beard. It was severe.
Oh this was indeed a blizzard. The worst I've ever seen. We had to remind all our grad students from warm climates that they HAD to dress warm or they might loose a finger or get frostbite and they'd laught and then realise we were serious. I've been keeping on my goggles the last few days...to keep my eyeballs unfrozen.
It's still a balmy -42 with the windchill (-29 without) and will likely be for a few days yet. We spent an hour last night digging out our alley to get our car into the back to plug it in. Even with all our geatr we still had to go in every 10 minutes or so to warm up a bit. OUr front door doesn't sela well and it actually has frost forming ont he inside...so I think it'll be frozen shut soon. Interesting...hopefully it'll warm up enough in the next while we can put weatherstripping on it. It's a sucky door, but letting a cilly draft in and cooling off the place...
Every year I think "it can't possibly get that cold again can it?" and sure enough it does. It's only for a week or two but holy cow. I'm glad I have stuff to work on indoors to keep the cabin fever away as it just isn't safe to be out unless absolutely nexcessary...
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