The Community Radio Association, CFCR I volunteer a lot for and help out with (and J does a show for) finally moved on up this weekend. As a non-profit place, they barely squeak by with a few staff, but what they do makes the city I live a better place. We interview local artists, play lesser known indie music and local bands, and have multicultural programming in over 20 different languages, with spoken word and special interest shows (environmental, political, GLB, femininist, radio dramas, comic books...you name it...) it's a local voice with a place for everyone. It's a great place.
And finally...after over a decade of being ina dingy moldy smelly basement of a downtown building, CFCR finally raised enough money from this year's pledge drive to move on up. They're in a new place and it's AMAZING. They have (ooh aah) windows, enough space for everyone, and it's so bright and happy and healthy. I wasn't eggagerating about the state of their old home. For such a good place to finally have a step up is fantastic, and yesterday was the grand opening of the new digs. The mayor came by and and cut a ribbon with some shiny scissors, so they can't make us go back. It was great to see something that was always daydreamed about for years actually happen. There was even a cake with some coloured icing that made everyone's mouth turn grey like a zombie (black icing = bad idea) and later on in the evening was the Christmas fundraising shindig thanks to all of us who'd helped out to make it happen.
It was a great day with great people...so hey! I had a great evening.
This morning...I really should be entering data while J is out on a shoot, but I'd rather reminisce with cats and coffee.
Should get to it tho. Happy sunday everyone.
1 comment:
I remeber when Citr seemed to have been taken over by the LGB crowd. Bunch of fascists.
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