Ah. It's nice to be back on my computer again.
My PC got a virus the other day. It self installed some software and then repeatedly took me to pornography, while alternately trying to sell me a program that would stop the program that kept trying to sell me pornography. Sure my computer *technically* worked...it just kept flashing boobies at me every 5 minutes.
I do believe boobies are not appropriate for work :)
They took it away and managed to isolate it and clean it off without having to wipe my PC clean.
The scary thing is I didn't go anywhere new. I just looked up an address at 411.ca to mail something. Something hacked ME and self installed. Weird...in the past I've been able to catch things like this and uninstall it myself. This baby actually got past my virus shield program and disabled it and then got all boobie happy on me and embedded itself in my startup software, and then disabled it. Nasty piece of junk....
Thankfully my PC is now 100% boobie free. Back to work...
PS - hello everyone who came here from googling boobies
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"I do believe boobies are not appropriate for work."
Depends on what you do, I'm thinking. If you're an ornithologist, you can get away with it.
Googling Boobies might be a good name for a rock band. (And, by sheer coincidence, my word verification is "sings".)
That would be a fantastic name....stashing that away for the future if you don't mind :)
And each band member could wear shoes that look like blue, webbed feet. And... I'm going to stop now, before I put some actual thought into this.
Ah, that's creepy. :(
I don't understand virus writers and such; they must have been born with tentacles and beaks.
Hey, wasn't "Blue Webbed Shoes" a song by Elvis Pressed-duckly? No. No. I'm going to stop thinking about this now...
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