1. What (or who) was your favourite toy or cuddly animal as a child?
That’s a tough one, as I had a big imagination. Generally anything I could find became a toy or something to play with…even twigs and bits of wood would do in a pinch as I made potions, explored castles and fought dragons. As specifics, I do recall having a whole army of men, pirates and cowboys and my brother and I would spend hours setting up grand attacks and assaults, although I think I spent the most time with my Star Wars action figures…every winter was Hoth. Every summer was Dagoba.
I did have a small blanket I loved though…it was originally my brothers and was covered in flannel cartoon hockey players – it was soft and fluffy and all the monsters in the dark couldn’t find me when I was curled up safe underneath it. My Mum later recovered it when it got worn through to have cartoon clowns on it. I still have it…I recovered it back in high school (when clowns were so passé) with black and grey plaid flannel and still snuggle under it to read on cold evenings.
2. Someone loans you their rocketship for a day. Which planet or moon do you have your picnic on?
Hmmm…Something with soft ground and a bit of shade in or near a nebula, where the gasses and atmosphere would be a beautiful sight to see while sat and looked at the sky at night, and munched on cheese and wine. A bit of helium in the atmosphere would make for a fun afternoon too. If I had to pick an actual place…Saturn. I bet the rings would look beautiful at sunset.
3. You’ve been press-ganged! Which would you be: privateer, buccaneer or pirate?
Pirate…most definitively. I wouldn’t want to privateer for a government and a buccaneer-well I have no real beef with Spain. I like that buccaneers and pirates could elect their captain – the idea of a life on a pirate ship is something I like. Work hard for your wages and live a free life. Not a bad thing when you think about it...I’d prefer something along the lines of life on the Serenity. The life on Firefly with Zoe and captain tightpants is what I’d see a future "pirate" ship to be – a life of freedom I could really settle into.
4. Aliens are trying to steal your secret formula with their telepathy ray! Quick, go to your happy place! By the way, where is it? (I won't tell the aliens, honest...)
You’ll never get the formula!
My real happy place? Well, as much as I want to put in a witty weird place involving cheese and pillows and sunshine, for me it’s a real place I take with me. It’s on the dock at the lake. Ever since I was a girl, when something bothered me I’d picture being there at Little Bear, on a sunset with the wind rippling the water and the loons singing on the lake. I’d be bundled up in my blanket, crosslegged on the end of the dock and I’d breathe in the pine and listen to the wind in the trees and slowly, everything would all fall back into place. I’ve sat there many times in reality and in my head. It is to me the very definition of calm.
Why? Well here’s how it looked this weekend when I was there. Tell me this isn’t the most serene and peaceful thing you’ve ever seen…

5. If you could have one ability or body part from an animal, what would it be?
I want to fly. I always have. I used to hop off the treehouse as a kid and try to hover in the air…even for the briefest moment. I often dream I can fly and hover and I think it would be the most wonderful thing to just escape the world for a bit and fly in the air. I’d prefer it to be a gentle hover sort of flying where there was no exertion and mad arm flapping, but I’ll take what I can get...I always wanted wings ever since I watched the Dark Crystal
Extremely close second...chameleon powers. But only if I can do plaid...
Here are the rules if you want in on the thingamajig:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions (or leaving them in a comment on your blog). I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
INTERVIEW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah! Cool answers.
But you do know that Saturn doesn't have a solid surface, right?
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