Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Plague holiday

I'm back...we had a fantastic time.
I miss Magnus and Pete already...and the green grass.
So very much to say and be thankful for but I came down with the plague of all colds in Vancouver and it has wiped me out... I'm going to go die quietly for a while and catch up on sleep. When I'm a little more coherent I'll be back with lots to say...promise.


Peter T Chattaway said...

So good to see you -- and so sorry to hear about your cold! I know we've been dealing with runny noses and whatnot for at least the past week here at Household Chattaway, so if we were in any way responsible for your own plague, I do apologize!

Geosomin said...

No worries...I had a sore throat when I arrived and it jsut sort of wnet downhill from there. I'm sure the total lack of sleep while there just added on to it. It was so nice to visit and see you. Besides, if they were twinny germs they'd be cute little tiny friendly germs...surely they couldn't make me sick :)

I'm just coming in to work to do needed things and then going home to hide...gotta get better for a Tomb Raider marathon this weekend.

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