Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pardon me? Can I buy a feeling?


For a few years now I have had a happy shirt (it says the word "happy" on it) express the fact that I am indeed a happy person. I wear it when I am feeling happy or going to an event that makes me happy and often invoke the power of the happy shirt when I have a day with lots of things to do and need some happy luck (like today).

Now some asshat has marketed the feeling of happiness as a perfume.
Someone at the bus stop this morning said "Oh! You bought that new Happy cologne? How is it?"

Damn you Clinique!
I do not wish to be a billboard for your new perfume that tries to tack on a product to a promote your fake marketable concept to try and get people to buy a product to make them happy. How transparent and gullible do you think consumers are? Even if I liked the perfume now I wouldn't wear it because of the name...and the fact that you've officially invaded my happy place.

*I* only wish to be happy and spread the "happy" all about.
Now my shirt is tarnished.

You ruddy bastards.


Moominmama said...

i find it ironic that your happy shirt is blue.

Peter T Chattaway said...

Oh weird. When I read this in Google News (which had the text but not the picture), I initially thought this was a post by Magnus (because it's so easy to get The Shining Path and The Supposed Golden Path confused). I was wondering why I had never heard of his "happy" shirt before. :)

Anonymous said...

Bah. How about commissioning a yellow T-shirt with "HAPPY (this is not about the perfume)" or something similar?


Magnus said...

Happiness is a warm gun.
Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.

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