It's been so hot as of late...a week of scorching and no end in sight. It only cooled off to 25 last night, with a high of 35 today. Our house thanks to the AC went down to about 27 so we could sleep. I can't imagine how hot it would be without it...
Heat like this makes you wilt and want to stay inside. Our poor yard is sorely neglected but it's too hot to be out there and fix it up a bit. It's getting rather safari like.
I'm actually happy to be at work and be in air conditioned comfort. Saying the word always irks me - air doesn't really fit the action - wouldn't a furnace heater also technically be air conditioning? Wouldn't it be air cooling or temperature regulation?
Anyways, noone needs to join my pedantic mutterings this early in the day...
I am annoyed at the general publics inability to let others enjoy storeis and other things-it's as though social conversation has devolved into regurgitating phrases and tales from TV or books and not actual conversation. You may have guessed from my last post that I am the sort who doesn't like to hear then ends of things or details of a book or movie until I've seen it myself. It really ruins it for me and my brain goes off on tangents trying to constantly fit in al lthe tidbits I know into the stroy and I can't get lost in it. J works in the media and many of "them" already want to talk about details and plot bits from the new Harry Potter book and he's trying to convince them not to - I mean most people aren't odd enough to sit and read the book in a day or two. And say you're a parent and you have to wait for your kid to read it first? What if you're a slow reader? How is it journalism or reporting to give away plot points of a book and be "the first one" to do it? That's just lame. Not only is it not news, but it's silly and sucks the joy out of things for those of use enjoying it. You might as well go around knocking ice cream cones out of people's hands and then laughing at them as they sadly watch it melt on the ground, because that's what you're doing in a way when yo udo that. I, for one, hope they and other media places hold off and just let the world enjoy it. How often does a thing like this happen in the modern day? It's not like 2/3 of the world won't read the book anyways, so why wreck it? Maybe people don't care about that kind of thing much anymore but I do. I still do. The part of me that was thrilled when my friend's Dad put fairy doors on some of the trees near our cabin as a little girl still does too...I like to hope that won't go away.
And on another topic entirely -I'm nervous. Why? Well, I must be strong., as this post brings me to a point and promise and new vow for the next while - no more posts from work. I've been humming and hawing about this for a while now. Noone here cares much as long as I get my work done, but I have a lot to do and find more and more I'm wasting time that could really be better used by surfing the net and updating henceforth, just lunch break and at thome. Sorry guys -I've gotta cut back my blog addiction. It's starting to get quite out of hand and I like my job...If you hear screams and shaking crazy muttering it's me over the next few days trying to adjust. Wish me's going to be harder than I imagine, and I'm imagining it to be kind of hard! :)
But before I run I must leave you with bits of lyric from a favorite old song that's been in my head all morning, for life, right now, is quite grand:
"... I don't ever really understand all the things we say
But I try to anyway anyhow
For what's in a day of a dandy life - what's in a day of this dandy lifeEverything, Everything, Everything ... said that every single one of us can find a happy face
So why don't you go try, try anyway
And I suppose I was born yesterday, cause I never thought of things
quite in that way at all and in that way
For what's in a day of a dandy life - what's in a day of this dandy lifeEverything, Everything, Everything "